It’s Just a Quick Swing through California
Or…, “What did you do for Spring Break?”
Following our quick dash to the east coast to pick up the Tiger (see the last few paragraphs of our Mexico 2007 posting for more on that), we’ve had the most marvelous, sometimes exhausting, whirlwind trip to the West Coast and back to South Dakota. All built on a daughter getting married, a memorial gathering for Kathy’s father who had died last December, and a real need to see West Coast family and friends. And it was such grand fun.
As we last spoke (about March 1st), we were in Nacogdoches, Texas, madly shuffling our belongings back and forth among various motor homes (WHERE DID WE PUT THE TOILET PAPER?), ultimately leaving the Chinook to be sold while we hauled the Foretravel back to Rapid City, South Dakota to be placed in storage. We arrived in Rapid City, did the mad shuffle again (WHERE DID YOU SAY?????), parked the coach and motorcycle, and – 23 hours later – started heading in a southwesterly direction (WHERE?). Pant, pant. Did we have the right things for a trip to California? Hell, who knew! We’d figure it out as we went along. All we were certain of was that it was now March 6 and snowing here in Rapid City; we had to be in Tucson, AZ in four days, and then daughter, Lauri, was getting married in Los Angeles on the 17th, hopefully in warm sunshine. We anxiously got back on the road, looking for better weather.

The hills, when not covered with snow, were sprinkled with black angus cattle (and lots of calves) standing out against the dry brown hills. No spring here. Denver, as we passed through, shone against the mountains; greater amount of snow here, being higher up. Passing a sign “Bridge Safety Test Site;” we hoped it didn’t fail the test. And then on into New Mexico. Pretty barren country, with little to tell.
But here’s a quiz question: You’re standing in Albuquerque (NM); it’s Saturday, the day before daylight savings time starts. You are calling a friend in Tucson (AZ), suggesting breakfast the following morning. You suggest 9:00 am; are you both talking the same hour, or is she an hour before/after you? Remember: Arizona doesn’t believe in daylight savings time……
By the time we got to Tucson (where’s Glen Campbell when you need him?) we were enjoying some local global warming; the temperatures were rapidly becoming much more pleasant, and spring was with us in full flower. Finally. March in the upper Mid-West is the pits.
And so we began our western swing, visiting friends and family in Tucson, Phoenix and its outskirts, and then into California. We came by way of 29 Palms (at least) which has not become prettier, and Yucco Valley. The California desert is so dry and plain, compared to other deserts we have known; we try and cross quickly, looking for the fastest way we can.

We had arranged for several medical visits in San Luis Obispo, and so after a couple of days of R&R at Lake Cachuma, outside Santa Barbara, we head for our old stomping grounds. And March in SLO is truly a gift from the gods. The hills are so green, the weather is balmy and the wildflowers in bloom; the area out Los Osos Valley Road isn’t called the Irish Hills for nothing! We ended up making two trips to San Luis Obispo, with a couple of weeks in between, in order to get everything done. We visited, we were punched and prodded by the medicos, we had movie night at the Palm; we even got our taxes done. We trotted off to Lake Tahoe to see some buddies, spring skiing just coming to a close; Lake Tahoe is just as beautiful now as ever.
Midst all this happy encountering, we also had a beautiful day in the Bay Area for a really nice memorial tribute for Kathy’s Dad, who had recently passed away at the age of 95. We met on a hillside overlooking the Bay and the Golden Gate bridge, scattered ashes, and then had a very nice family gathering in the house in the Berkeley hills where he had been raised. A very satisfying experience which included seeing some relatives for the first time in perhaps 30 years or so. Couldn’t have been more perfect.
We went to watch some of our favorite idiotic friends going around in circles very fast, at a motorcycle track weekend in Willows. Even Willows is lovely at Easter time. Northern California is almost idyllic this time of year; it’s easy for us to forget that north of San Francisco the countryside is very rural. The cows are knee-deep in green (cows do have knees, don’t they?) and the Napa Valley vines are coming to life again; on Easter Sunday lots of folks were out traveling the quiet roads and settling down for a picnic. When we left the motorcycle track, we wandered from one quiet valley to the next, through Napa and then Sonoma, slowly working our way down to the Golden Gate bridge and towards friends in San Jose, Santa Cruz and Monterey; all lovely. Such a beautiful spring!

Pant, pant, back to San Luis Obispo for more visits, then several days with family in the hills above Santa Barbara, then up toward Stockton. We went through New Cuyama (just how long ago did they build that bridge, anyway?), which is in a much drier area; not a lot of green in these interior valleys; through Taft (yuck), then Hilman. Ah, Hilman, where the coming weekend was to feature The Udder Run – a 5K extravaganza – this is dairy country.
(So, what are we going to name this new little beast of ours? Lily? Wait, don’t trucks get guy names? – Says who? How about Ernie?)
Then there’s Stockton – known to at least one fellow who grew up there as “The Armpit of the West” – but even Stockton is lovely in April. The old valley towns have a lot of charm, with their many parks filled with huge ancient trees and old homes along the river. We were in Stockton for an RV gathering that lasted several days, at least a couple too many for these two kids who were getting anxious to turn our faces eastward.
Our last California appointment was in Rocklin (good grief, why???) to have a couple of items added to the Tiger. At one point we ended up in the coolest muffler shop we’d ever seen: Architectural Digest and Wine Spectator on the tables in the waiting room (….along with Hot Bike and several girlie magazines, of course); the mechanic was intelligent, interesting, and also very good at his work. A great experience.
(Maybe HMS Surmise……. Oh, good grief! Tiger Lily sounds so cute.)

Ah, well; life keeps happening. And we like Carson Pass, too. But all this fooling around left us staying in the mountains an extra night (at over 8000 feet), and it was snowing when we woke up in the morning. We took quick pictures, then beat feet; dropped down through Bridgeport and Mono Lake, then turned east – and were in Nevada. Finally. Seven lovely weeks in California had come to a close.
Well, Nevada is Tonopah. Always have had an aversion to the place; the townspeople make these strange and futile attempts at cheerfulness – Giggle Springs Plaza, Clown Motel, and, oh, yes, the Joyland Motel. Who are they kidding? It’s just too sad for words.
As you travel east in Nevada you drop altitude; at 4500 feet we started seeing cactus, which seemed bizarre. All the way across, we were fighting strong head winds; they didn’t quit just because we reached Utah. Cedar City, where we spent the night, was blowing to beat the band. And we woke up to hail/rain. Our next pass was at 9910 feet, and the rain had become blowing snow. We passed a bicyclist pushing his wheels toward the top; poor fellow. (Where were the balmy breezes and green hills of California now?)
(Hey, how about Ginger? The Foretravel is named Fred; you know, the dancers????) (Hah; how about Howard?) (HOWARD?)

(Chipper would work (as in chip off the old block – Fred); yeah, let’s try that for awhile. Okay, but I still like Lily.)
We wanted to drop down and visit the North Rim of the Grand Canyon; no, said the ranger, that road won’t open for another week or so. Damn. Well, let’s head in that direction and then on up toward Mesa Verde, maybe, and certainly toward Arches NP. And then we had a stroke of good fortune. We spent the night at a BLM trailhead in the Paria Wilderness Area, and made some new friends. These folks told us there was another road, an unpaved road, which went out to the North Rim, to a campground right on the edge, and they knew it was open. There would be good views, very few people, and it was one of their favorite spots. The going would get rough, but the Tiger should be just fine. And it was; and we were delighted; and it was lots of fun. It was 61 miles out to the rim (and 61 miles back again, don’t forget – over 3 hours each way) on a horrendous road, ending up going between rocks where we had very little room, and up over outcroppings. The Tiger took it all in its stride. After all, this was why we bought the little beastie.

Moab was busy; much grown since 1994, our last visit, but pleasant. Arches National Park is a real treat, if you’ve not been there; we drove around madly taking pictures and grinning a lot, and drove a circle tour into the nearby mountains about two hours before they closed the road for the year to repair a bridge. Our luck was holding.

Trekking on, we went over Monarch Pass (11,317 very high feet), and dropped down toward Salida; we spent a swell night visiting friends who live right on the river that flows eastward down from the pass; they are at about 8000 feet. They introduced us to the pleasures of ATV adventuring, and shared their stories of ATVing in Mexico’s Copper Canyon earlier in the year. The next day was spent in Denver doing some REI shopping (love that store!) and then the night with another crazy friend who lives in a log home he built on top of a mountain overlooking Boulder. He, for better or worse, introduced us (read: Rick) to the world of iPods and iTunes. The next day we bid Colorado farewell, and headed for the barn, as we call our campground at Hart Ranch, outside Rapid City.
And so here we are, back in Rapid City, the home of the largest gathering of South Dakota license plates outside Sioux Falls. You see, there’s never a one to be found unless you are actually in-state. Apparently the locals never get far from home; if you do see an SD plate elsewhere, it’s on a motor home; they are folks like us who don’t live here but are “domiciled” here. The campground here is full of them. Surreal, but nice. And you know, we said March in the northern Mid-West is the pits? So’s May; we’ve had nothing but rain (but very green hills) and wind. At least it isn’t snowing!
(What do you think of Bubbles? Really? Me, too; kind of cute, huh, and perky, yes, and fun; okay BUBBLES it is.)

(Nah, Bubbles is sorta dorky. How ‘bout Pandora, ‘cause every time you open a cupboard door you don’t know what might pop out.)
Post-Northwest Territories, if the snows have not yet started to fly, we’ll probably head into southeastern Alaska and try to see some of the towns along the Inside Passage – maybe Sitka or Ketchikan or at least Juneau. We’ll see! We think it will be a great summer; wish you could join us.
Whatever your plans, enjoy, and think of us (and whos-its) from time to time; we’ll be thinking of you.
Rick, Kathy, Burt, Thumper (the new bike) and … maybe a contest???
P.S. PANCAKES ON THE HALF-SLANT, with all due apologies to Botticelli and his Venus. Ever try fixing breakfast on a tilt? The splendors of a small rig don’t include the wonderful air leveling system we have in the Foretravel, so every meal can be an adventure. We do have blocks to put under the wheels, but at times that’s not enough. Rule of thumb: nose down, otherwise you’ll spend the whole night afraid you’ll roll out of bed. Pancakes are a special challenge. Kathy holds the griddle so it will stay on the burner, and Rick pours batter and flips as appropriate. Yummy, yummy, and well worth the effort. Life on the edge! (or at least the slope…..)