Oh, it’s a long way to Scandinavia – if you start in England, and then stop to see Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany first. But that’s okay if you’re having fun.
We’ve safely returned across the sea, and are (LEA) Loose in Europe Again. Leaving Texas at the end of March, during a very warm spell, we were hoping for a continuation of that same excellent weather in England. Not to be, of course. “The coldest Easter in England in many a decade.” No surprise. We’ve often been accused of bringing bad weather with us.

We flew into Heathrow, where our great friends, Matti and Ron Sanford, gathered us up in their small European motorhome and carted us off to Cheltenham, where the Tiger was waiting. New wheels? Oh, how kind of you to have remembered! Yes, new wheels. They had only just arrived a day or so before, but there they were. Rick stood and grinned. They just looked like wheels to me, but then, what do I know?
We picked up our pretty little rascal and trucked off the few feet to the campground where we were to stay for a few days. The next morning we discovered (a) a substantial water leak, probably due to the freezing weather over the winter; and (b) we had been joined by a proper pair of darling little English mice. They’d destroyed many a bag-wrapped item, and had largely chewed apart a rather nice Mexican floor rug; they had quite a taste for tea bags (good Earl Grey) and other similar foodstuffs, but no interest at all in macaroni or other forms of pasta. True Brits. It was a good two weeks before we finally were able to get rid of them.
We also had a tad more work to be done on the Tiger, using parts we’d brought with us from home. In the course of all this, a piece of the Tiger’s anatomy broke, causing us to wait a week while a new part was flown in (over the Easter long weekend, natch). But finally, finally, the Tiger was out of the hospital and we were ready to hit the road.
While waiting for the part to arrive, we spent a couple of days (and enjoyed a splendid Easter brunch) with our English cousins and various relations. It was nice to be included in a traditional English holiday celebration (most of which seems to revolve around chocolate).

We went on to Tournai, a nice city we have visited before, and from there took the train to Lille, France to visit French friends who were meeting us there. We first encountered Danial and Anne-Marie Chavance, along with their 3 children, in Argentina in 2009, and then stayed with them outside Paris in 2010 when we were waiting for the Tiger to be shipped to Belgium. Until now we’d not been able to see them again. But Rick and Anne-Marie put their heads together and figured out a plan: we would meet in Lille; both parties would arrive on the train and we could have a few hours together
We sure enjoyed that visit, and even got in a few pictures of Lille. After Lille, we hunkered down for a few days, hoping that both the weather and our colds would improve. Neither happened, so we gave the good Gallic shrug and decided The Netherlands awaited. Perhaps it would be both sunnier and warmer. We enjoy being in Belgium – a lot – and hoped that The Netherlands would be just as much fun.

“Holland” comprises two of the country’s 12 provinces: Noord-Holland around Amsterdam and Zuid-Holland around Rotterdam and Den Haag (The Hague). This is where the majority of the population live and where most tourists visit. If you’ve been to Amsterdam and its surrounds, you can say you went to Holland. If you travel further afield, you probably say you’ve been to The Netherlands. Now that’s our interpretation of the official version. The guidebooks and also lots of information in museums, etc. seem to use either, at random.
We spent two weeks seeing The Netherlands and enjoyed our time there. The countryside is lovely: green-green-green fields interspersed with large forested areas and lovely small towns. Very nice, helpful folks who were happy to see us and interested in our adventures, although we found them more reserved than in some other areas we’ve visited. Free camping is not allowed here, and designated overnight locations are not as prevalent as elsewhere, so we found ourselves organizing our route around known stopover spots. But we did pretty well, and saw a lot of the country.

The eastern provinces, smack dab up against the German border, suffered horrible fighting during WWII. The battles around Arnhem are familiar to many, particularly after “A Bridge Too Far.” We began our visit with a look in at the Overloon War and Resistance Museum in the forests south of Arnhem. Overloon was fantastic. It contains a large WWII museum complex (called Liberty Park), a significant part of which is devoted to the fierce tank battle for control of this area.
There is also a large and quite complete separate museum that covers many facets of WWII, including extensive material on the very active Dutch resistance movement. And then there is the George C. Marshall Museum that contains the largest collection of military vehicles in Europe. It was an amazing pile of tanks and stuff, each group set in unusually life-like settings. We were there for hours.

Arnhem itself is mostly just a modern city, although driving through you can identify certain spots where the British soldiers held out as long as possible, trying to protect the bridge there (the “bridge too far” the generals finally admitted) before having to either escape or surrender. The Airborne Museum and Cemetery are nearby, in Osterbeek. Another excellent museum, it is housed in the hotel the British used as headquarters during the fighting, which makes it even more evocative. There are excellent displays, and an unnerving walk through narrow passageways as the battle elements play out around you. At one point the shadow of a very noisy tank passes very close; I was overwhelmed with a sense of dread.
But, lest you decide that all we do is think about war and explore locations where it was at its worst – we did a whole lot of exploring in The Netherlands that had nothing to do with fighting.

My first and topmost priority was to see the tulips. And indeed we did – by the bucket-full. They are grown in various areas, but the vast majority of the fields are in Holland, along the western edge of the country. And we do mean “vast.” Field after field, all available for the gazing; and bulbs for purchase as well. The center of the action is in the area around Lisse, home of the famous Kukenhof Gardens (which I recommend to you if you only have limited time and no transportation). We did not visit the Gardens, as the tour buses were present in their multitudes and the tulips are free for viewing in the fields, with plenty of room to pull off the road and take as many pictures as you would like. We found a couple of sunny days and explored to our hearts’ content. And we’ve got the pictures to show for it! It was a lovely experience.

Lisse is not far from Den Haag, home to several excellent museums. Unfortunately, the Royal Cabinet of Paintings, where the Vermeer paintings we were so interested in were housed, was closed for renovation so they’ll have to wait for another time.

We were enjoying being in the west, but were feeling a bit overwhelmed by the volume of people. About 65% of the country’s population lives in the 27% of the land that would disappear if not for the dykes. That’s a whole bunch of folks in a pretty small area (and why do they want to live someplace that could flood you out? have they not heard about global climate change?); the congestion is pretty bad. The Belgian low country is peaceful; the eastern part of The Netherlands is calm; but the whole area around Rotterdam-Amsterdam-The Hague-Haarlam is something else, dude! We wanted to visit Amsterdam, but decided to let it wait for now, and work out a strategy.

We wandered among the dykes for several days. Generally they are too high to see over, but they are grassy and are usually covered with nature’s own gardeners - sheep, and this time of year cute little lambs as well; absolutely charming. Sometimes there are stairs you can climb so you can see over the top of the dyke, and find out what the people are being protected from -- there was water absolutely everywhere: canals (with plenty of barges but also lots of pleasure boats), big lakes, small waterways beside peoples’ homes, waterways between plots of cultivated fields. It was quite pretty.

As you probably know, Holland used to flood, badly. The dykes (dijks) keep the water out. The biggest and best-est closed off (and eliminated) the Zuider Zee, giving protection to all those huge cities where all those folks live. It’s called the Afsluidijk; its completion created Ijsselmeer, an inland fresh water lake. More importantly, it protected huge areas of land that were now available for reclamation, which proceeded over the years. At the same time, the inland fishermen were devastated. Some took to the open sea, others adapted to new methods to work the inland fish, but many lost their livelihood. There’s a flip side to every coin.
After crossing the Afsluidijk, we found ourselves in Fryslan, home of the Friesian horses and cattle. The horses are black, the cattle black and white. And there’s plenty of grass and water to keep them fat and sleek. Totally cool.

Another great city we stopped at was Lelystad, an old harbor town. Along one of the canals, there was (permanently) docked the reconstruction of the Batavia, a Dutch East Indiaman who sank on her maiden voyage in 1628. This recreation had been begun in 1985 and was a 10-year project carried out using the methods of the 17th century. It was really neat. We got a guided tour and were allowed to crawl all over her. Being more used to ships of the 19th and 20th centuries, I was surprised to learn that the Batavia had no ship’s wheel. It was steered by use of a tiller with a long pole. Quite archaic; no wonder they ran aground off the coast of Australia.

We stopped to visit Naarden, which is a splendid medieval fortified town that is almost untouched by modern life (totally killer; we had somehow forgotten to take our cameras with us when we wandered around, but wow! – go check it out). And Naarden, the guidebook said, has frequent train service into Amsterdam. So we decided to use this location to launch our attack on the city.
We were able to park near the station and, after getting some help in figuring out how the system worked, we found ourselves hurtling toward the city, and then suddenly emerging from the Neoclassical train station and immersing ourselves in the swarms of folks enjoying the pleasant Sunday weather.

The bad? All of the good things would be quite terrific if you could just get rid of all the tourist clumps. Making your way through the most visited areas, which are virtually impossible to avoid as they surround the main cathedral, the train station, and other areas of interest, is difficult; this is where you find the red light district (pretty ho-hum these days), and the cannabis cafes. This part of the city is pretty seedy and trashy, and who really cares about all of it any more? It seemed to us that much of the old town area had been turned over to the worst of tourism’s baser elements with no attempt to preserve the historic nature of the city. We were also put off by the 70’s architecture – that was atrociously ugly.
So, would we go back? No, probably not. I think we’re just too old (Rick prefers mature) to enjoy the ambience for which the city is famous. Did we miss anything we should have gone to? Yes; a day structured around the Rijkmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum would have been more enjoyable. We had decided we wanted to “see” the city instead, and we really didn’t want to go through all the machinations of coming back a second time (it would have been much more difficult for us to manage other than on a Sunday), so missed out. But that’s why everyone’s time in Europe is unique, right? Perhaps another time. Oh, you’re saying: they didn’t go see Anne Frank’s house. I’d already seen it and Rick said he didn’t care enough to stand in the long line.

Some last thoughts about The Netherlands? It’s a terrific place to visit. If you come, try not to limit yourself to just seeing “Holland” – get out into the countryside and look further east. You do (eventually) get above sea level. The land is forested and very pretty, and filled with neat-and-tidy small towns. There are people riding their bikes absolutely everywhere – and many of them are really very old folks. Speaking of old folks: often there are charming residences for retirees in the quiet parts of the towns, with lovely, well-tended garden areas.

Just as in Belgium and England, all the boys wear their hair like Tintin, if you remember the Belgian cartoon character (and recent movie). The European kids all look alike in their dress, just as they do in the States. Not standing out is a universal given among teenagers, sad to say. Oh, yes: drempels are Dutch speed bumps. And Dutch roundabouts are even more controlling than those in England, and we thought that could never happen!
But enough of The Netherlands! You want to hear about what’s between there and Denmark, don’t you! Northern Germany, of course.
With Denmark firmly fixed in our sights, we intended to spend a few days crossing a small corner of Germany and then hop on into Scandinavia. But we hadn’t counted on the tremendous hospitality and kindness of two sets of friends we had earlier met in our travels, and who were awaiting us at their homes.
Gaby and Herb Pietsch live in a pretty corner in the northwestern part of Germany; it’s rural and bucolic, has its own set of dykes and canals, and is a popular resort area. In heading toward their home, Gaby had thoughtfully suggested a route that would take us to some interesting spots and give us a sense of the area. This neck of the woods is totally ignored by our guidebook, and we would have missed a very pleasant region without her good advice.
We spent the first night in Leer, in a parking area right next to the canal harbor and the old part of the city. Leer is quite ancient and charming and a walk around was great fun. We looked in at the 1785 Grosse Kirke, which was very spare and looked very much like many in New England; we learned it was part of the Evangelical Reform churches of the World. Leer was a treat.

It’s the first of May; there are maypoles everywhere, and the rapeseed plants are in stunning yellow bloom, joining the wildflowers making an appearance. It was getting warmer, although there was still plenty of rain to keep everything green.

Now, I know you’re thinking that we’re just aimlessly wandering again – not so! Hamburg, and our friends Toni and Berit Klumpenaar, lay directly between us and Denmark. We met Toni and Berit in Arizona this last winter, and they had said we had to go through Hamburg to get to the border and that we really must stop by. We were anxious to do so.

From there we trucked on over to the Hamburg area where we settled in with Toni and Berit. We had only planned on a short visit, but ended up spending several days, as they had put together an itinerary for all of us, including a two-day “field trip” accompanying Toni as he attended to some business. It was amazing. In between jaunts we did more laundry, ate copious amounts of food, and got good advice on where to visit in Norway (they couldn’t quite understand why we might be wanting to go through Denmark rather than take a ferry straight to Norway, but pointed out some interesting spots there as well).

We had started by checking out the seaside resort nearby, Travemünde, where we strolled the boardwalk and had a bite to eat, then came inland. We didn’t have as much time to spend as we might have liked, and Rick and I came back again later in the week. But we wandered the medieval quarter, and we did get to the JG Niederegger-Café. Marzipan was invented in Lübeck, and this “little shop” is where you go to get it. Forget your See’s candy; they don’t know from diddly about marzipan. This is the real deal. I’m now addicted. We had coffee and cake with a lovely marzipan frosting; to die for. My, my, my.
The next afternoon we dropped down into Hamburg to see some of the sights. Now this is one huge city, but we did a quick driving tour and saw the harbor as well as some little “insider” areas that not everyone knows about. It was a pretty afternoon and we had a good time.

Then we drove into the former GDR. Toni had a business meeting in Berlin the following day. The highway crossed the old border, passing a checkpoint area (spooky enough all by itself) and on towards Potsdam. From the highway nothing seemed very different, but as we began using smaller roads and passing through villages and small towns, Rick and I saw parallels with rural Bulgaria. We really want to explore this area fully, and will come back, either this fall or next year, but for now we were satisfied with an unexpected taste.
Outside Potsdam is a resort area; there are lots of lakes and waterways here. Pleasure boats wander in this direction and stay in the old, refurbished hotels. We spent the night in a very nice spot along the water, and had the most splendid dinner we’d had in years. Rick had chocolate brulée and fruit for dessert; I made do with mousse and some lovely sorbet. Amazing stuff.

The Berlin Wall area got a lot of our attention. There is a relatively short piece of the wall still in place. Evidently there was a lot of discussion about the fact that so little was to remain; this may reflect the differences that exist throughout the city. It wasn’t just the opinions of the West that counted. In any case, there is also a cobblestone line on the street marking the former location of the wall throughout the city. In addition there is lots of information about other memorials all over town, and there is a walk you can take to visit all of them.

Directly behind the Wall displays, the new museum, The Topography of Terror, is now open; it discusses the history of the Nazis. It is at the location of the former headquarters of the Gestapo and SS. This was very powerful stuff.
Despite all the serious information we studied, we had a very good day. We saw lots of the city, know we want to return, and are now a bit more familiar with how the city works. One really cool thing that happened? We saw a whole bunch of Buddy Bears. Do you remember them? We had seen the entire display of 140 bears in Montevideo, Uruguay in 2009. They were just finishing up their world tour and a couple of days later left to go back to Berlin. They had each been painted by an artist representing his/her country; some of the bears we saw in Berlin were at embassies, others in front of banks, etc. It was quite special for us to be able to renew our acquaintance.

But it was time to move on. After all, we had Scandinavia to see! We spent a couple more days in Germany, getting our act together, stocking up on supplies and fuel, and then got ready to cross the border. The lilacs are in bloom, it’s sunny and delightfully warm, we’re healthy and happy, and…whoo-haah! Off we go! See ya on the other side!
R&K and La Tortuga, with her Fabulous New Dancing Shoes
Click to see more photos of Belgium & Germany or The Netherlands.