Journal Postings for 2012:
1. Behind the Dykes & Along the Canals Belgium, The Netherlands & Northern Germany
2. Yes, Of Course They’re Better in Denmark Denmark, along with just a bit of Sweden
3. Gulf Steam Country Southern Norway
4. Nord Norge Northern Norway, above the Arctic Circle
5. Lapland Northern Finland & Sweden
6. The Karaoke did us in? Central Sweden and Southern Finland
7. A Tale of Three Cities Tallinn, Estonia; Riga, Latvia; Vilnius, Lithuania
8. Indian Summer Bits of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary & Romania
9. Çay for Two Turkey, from Istanbul to the Black Sea and Anatolia
10. Wandering Through the Ruins Turkey’s Mediterranean & Aegean Coasts
•Europe by Motorhome Summary Information on motorhoming in Europe
•Camping Logs Where we’ve stayed & a whole lot more