Panama to Colombia 2014

Submitted by Trevor Dawber

Police Check in Panama. Police checks are still done at Corondo de y Jota (N08.96 658 W079.54 485), a fenced off yard across the highway from their main ofSices. Inspections are done weekdays between 0900—1000 in Sine weather only; if it's raining the police don't turn up. Takes about 5 minutes; the inspector looks at the VIN, checks it against your paperwork and you’re done. We then returned at 1400 to swap driving licence for a pass at information booth (ignore the queue, line up; they are going to a different office). Go straight into the building, where you will be directed to office of Traffic Directorate Secretariat. Walk in, present your passport and forms will be done in 20 minutes; then you should be on your way. 

There was no need for Amy(agent) to lead us there, as it is easy to find with GPS co- ordinates and you just wait your turn hand over one copy of docs and return in the afternoon. No vehicle is required in the afternoon. 

Note: If you do get any traffic tickets wait until this point to either pay or ignore because although you may have paid, if they are not on the system you will probably have to pay again. I had a ticket issued not long after entering Panama for “driving without due care and attention” -- $75 fine 30 days to pay. It did not come up when I had the police checks, therefore I didn't pay it; so far they haven't come after me. 

Shipping Information. 

Shipping Compay – SC Line
Jessica Del Carmen Mendez, Trade manager Assistant.

Office: + 507 282- 5700 Fax: +507 830- 6287 USA office + 1 305 7671900, Mobile: + 507 6997- 8487


Paseo Roberto Motta y Blvd Costa del Este Edif. Capital, Piso 6, Oficina 601 

Panama Agent: Ms Tea Kalmbach. Operates from office in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
On site Assistant her Daughter Amy Resident in Panama. E-mail:, Mobile: 6983 7183 (Panama) 

Cartagena SC Line Agent.

Jans Mar Colombia SAS

Mr Rodolfo Castro Farrayan Branch Manager officer. 

Manga CRA 18 No 25-29 Conjunto Quintas de la Real
Phone; 575691 7575/7676 Mobile 57300 229 5888 Skype jansmarctg E-mail

Contact Jans as soon as possible by e-mail or phone as he issues the original “Bill of Lading” for Colombia (he can only issue this document if the ship has physically docked in Cartagena); the Panama docs are not legal and are useless in Colombia. He will inform you of the present procedure and docs required to retrieve the vehicle. He is a very nice gentleman as are all the ofSicials we dealt with in both Dian and Compass port authority. 

Costs: Dodge 3500 ram van Great West Conversion; 4174kg, Heigth 3.1mtrs, Width 2.5mtrs, Length 6.2mtrs 

Panama Costs: Shipping Total -- $1724
     $960 incl of 20% BAF(Tax)
       $150 THC(Terminal Handling Charge)
       $150 IMO (CertiSicate for propane)
       $150 DVD Docs (Bill of Lading I document)
       $50 BL fee ( Bill of Lading.)
       $64 Manzillo Port fee Colon
       $200 Agents Fee 

It took us a week but mostly because the ship was delayed twice. The actual process took us 24 hours, most of it sitting and waiting for paperwork It is not necessary to have an agent, but it would help if you could speak at least a little Spanish.

The first stop is Dian (customs) for forms and to book an inspection of the vehicle once off ship. Straightforward but they don't speak any English. The port authority is 1km down the road at Compass port; the lady you deal with, Adrienne, speaks fluent English and is a gem. This is where most of the waiting occurs because until the vehicle is off the boat and on their system the paperwork can't start, stupid system which they are trying to change but having little luck. “It’s always been this way” is the hierarchy attitude which is frustrating to the guys on the ground. 

So as long as the ship docks as per schedule it is a matter of waiting, normally not more than 2 days. 

Colombia Costs:  Total -- $205
       Contecar port of entry Charges (Varies on Weight again same as
       Basic Port Fee $152
       Service Fee (don't ask) $2
       Off -loading Fee $33
       Transfer to collection area $18 

General Comments:

1. I was informed that shipping costs are based on weight, not cubic capacity on this line, weight limit we could establish: (1) 1000kg (2) 2000kg (3) Anything over 3500kg; hence my vehicle cost only slightly less than a 13-ton RV truck. Think about what actual weight you submit! Check with company. 

2. DVD Docs the only document that was provided was Bill of Lading supplied by Tea Kalmbach, but notice also that SC Line charge BL Fee (Bill of Lading fee) contract states that this document is between Shipping company and consignee (you) so why is Tea charging for it? Needs clarification as that would mean $200 for 1 document. This document “in my opinion” should be given or collected from SC Line in Panama; there is no reason for Tea to have this document (and charge $150) as it is produced by the shipping company, a contract between them and the consignee (you) for which they charge $50. 

3. Agent fees varied on this trip -- some paid $200 some $125 so check for exactly the same service. 

4. If possible insist on detailed invoice; we didn't, it is difficult to prove any over charging, but more cost info will cut this down.

5. Ask how many people will be going to docks for final handing over to port authority as our group of 9 was too many vehicles; it took from 0645 to 1640 from when we left Balboa Yacht club until we finished at Colon port and there is little shade, food or drink on the last phase which took 4 hours because of number of vehicles. It is very hot and humid in April. 

6. Ask about transportation from Colon and arrange before you leave the rendezvous, apparently it is not in agent’s costs. Colon is a bad area not advisable to be walking about there. 

7. Information was consistently hard to get from Tea or Amy, so make sure you keep the pressure up on updates or even a printout which at present is not available, Amy, the agent on the ground was not even sure of the names and vehicles involved. 

8. Insist on a final revised invoice after the quote in print, to make sure you pay the correct amount, it can be paid in cash (most people do) or bank transfer (3 days before going to port). 

9. If the agent or shipping company agree to anything, insist on confirmation in writing; it costs nothing for an e-mail, only time! 

10. IMF (Safety Certificate for propane RV's). According to the shipping company (not the addressee Jessica), above certificate not issued on private vehicles. I asked port staff when I picked up the vehicle and they knew nothing about safety certificates on private vehicles and no safety tags were attached to any vehicle. Bogus we are sure, but proving it is another matter! 

11. This procedure has been done without an agent as blogs and websites prove but if you are not pretty good at Spanish and have the Patience of a Saint and know where all the relevant buildings are, use an Agent; but be warned none are honest we chatted to our American businessman friend and he said nothing but nothing works in Panama without gratuity or inflated costs, fact of life!!! 

12. Insist on a basic agenda from any agent you use, in print/e-mail; the procedure doesn't change only timings, i.e., if the ship is delayed. We found only constant pressure would achieve information. We did get an agenda the final day we left, for collecting vehicles in Cartagena, but no other written info; it was only because one of our group was tracking the ship that we had reliable information on the position of the ship. 

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